Good research topics for middle school
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Global SDGS For Disability Inclusive Development- myassignmenthelp
Question: Examine about theGlobal SDGS For Disability Inclusive Development. Answer: Presentation The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is authoritatively named as Transforming out world: the 2030 plan for economical improvement comprises 17 diverse worldwide objectives focusing on 169 elements the world is experiencing. The United Nations told these objectives through a procedure that includes 193 part states and the worldwide common society. These objectives are set in the para 54 of the United Nation Regulations A/RES/70/1 of 25 September 2015 [1]. This SDG is based on the estimations of goals A/RES/66/288 that is named as The future we need and is a nonbinding article, an aftereffect of Rio+20 meeting occurred in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2012. After the notable accomplishment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the United Nation needed to propose an arrangement worldwide that can change the main concern needs of the human prosperity and individuals could benefit the essential requirements for their living with no issue [2]. Thusly, the desire for such objec tives lead them to build a SGD that can change the whole world. The structure for this reason began on 19 July 2014 when the Open Working Group (OWG) propelled the proposition of SDG to the UN General Assembly (UNGA). The UNGA, on December 5, 2014 acknowledged the report of secretary general that expressed the SDG objectives would be founded on the proposition of the OWG. At long last, In the SDG culmination hung on September 25 to 27, 2015 in New York, USA these objectives were acknowledged for the future [3]. Inability Inclusion Development is a piece of UN SDGs proposed to make a superior world out and out. 15 percent of the total populace, which is about one billion, is experiencing any sort of inability and such event is higher for creating nations than the created ones. Person with inability, all through the world, needs to endure more for each situation than the individual without handicap does [4]. These enduring may incorporate, less training, less human services openings, less business and higher paces of destitution. The destitution alone can build the pace of inability through ailing health, which is the prime explanation behind mental incapacity of kids around the world. Further, it builds the opportunity of less instructive and business related chances, dirtied and unhygienic conditions and the prime explanation is their main concern needs to accomplish an aware living for them, which is food, training and work. Incorporation of debilitated individual to the standard and growi ng windows for equivalent open doors is the prime objective for the economical improvement objectives 2030 that centers around the essential requirements for the total populace [5]. In this way, it is the obligation of the total populace, who are honored to have everything in their life, to impart a piece to these poor individuals. Consideration of incapacity in the practical improvement objective 2030 is of significance in light of the fact that there were no objectives referenced for the debilitated individuals in the MDGs and because of which such individuals were getting a handle on left of the worldwide plans. Be that as it may, including them in the UN plan won't help these individuals, it needs legitimate carefulness and following as they are not generally given the regard and right they merit [6]. This basic investigation of the UNGA Resolution A/RES/70/1 Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will talk about the various issues with respect to incapacity and inability incorporation referenced in the SDGs. the quantity of objectives for incapacity is connected with SDGs, their connection with human rights and their legitimate subtleties will be examined. How these objectives bolster the incorporation and advancement in all the nations for individuals with inability will be talked about. Quality, weaknesses and deficiency of these objectives for suggestion in created and creating nations by various legislative and non-administrative associations will be examined basically. Steps that can be utilized to accomplish these objectives and the ways by which the created nations are gathering information and estimation will be examined. diverse procedure of information social affair and estimation and assessment for inability comprehensive improvement will b e examined and its significance in the suggestion will be dissected. Ramifications of these SDG objectives in created and creating nations needs changes in hardly any current laws and arrangements. This report will talk about the laws that should be changed to execute the SDGs for crippled individuals. At long last, a recommendation will be given to accomplish the SDG 2030, with conversation about the upsides and downsides of the human right based methodology of Disability comprehensive turn of events. Human rights, Sustainable Development and incapacity comprehensive turn of events Human rights is an essential piece of the 2030 SDGs. the thousand years advancement objectives were proposed for the created nations just and in this manner, such huge numbers of issues identified with human rights were disregarded in those improvement objectives. Notwithstanding, the SDGs proposed in 2015 general get together unequivocally tied down in human rights. while the scope of MDGs were thin and incorporated a lot of monetary and social issues, the SDG included 17 objectives and 169 targets covering a variety of issues that puts out various human right issues in an open stage [7]. For instance, the theme that SDG addresses are accessibility, quality moderateness and openness of instruction, water, sanitation, wellbeing and a lot more issues that is a fundamental piece of the human rights for quite a long time. In this manner, it is very obvious that SDG is human right based. In contrast to the MDGs, the SDGs are exceptionally vocal about the basal level needs of individuals with handicap and discusses their essential human rights. It tends to be apparent from the way that, multiple times the SDGs makes reference to individual with handicaps or incapacity in the 2030 plan. Not just the physical inability, the SDGs communicates its anxiety about mental incapacity also and specifies the weakness in people in excess of multiple times [8]. The SDGs that makes reference to the inability comprehensive improvement legitimately are- Objective 4 which talks about structure equivalent, open and ensured instruction for each kid by making comprehensive condition for learning. it likewise notices to give the help, impaired individuals expected to flourish. Objective 8, which examines about the equivalent monetary development and giving equivalent chance and access to impaired individual in work advertise. The objective 10 sets the boundary and talks about underscoring the political, social and financial incorporation of crippled individuals. The objective 11 talks about making equivalent condition for crippled individuals for living, travel, and different subjects by making urban areas with available water assets. For movement, the vehicle must be manageable to give protected, open and green open space. At long last, the objective 17, that characterizes the significance of information assortment and checking of the SDGs and accentuates on the Disability disaggregated information [9]. SDGs backing to Disability comprehensive improvement in all the nations SDGs five objectives are legitimately comprehensive of individuals with handicap and is proposed to execute the objectives for the improvement of these individuals. Accomplice nations are attempting their best to execute these objectives and one such procedure is use of Washington bunch addresses that assists with social affair the information about incapacity. It is a lot of six inquiries, which can assist with social affair the data about individuals with incapacity. Just about 50 nations has remembered these inquiries for their agreement questions and are getting positive outcomes [10]. Different nations have their inside techniques to execute these objectives in their domain. Ramifications of SDGs for government in created and creating nations The practical improvement objectives were hard to actualize in such huge numbers of nations as these new objectives should have been executed simply in the wake of rolling out certain improvements in the present approaches. Administrations of those nations, who were to adjust to the SDG markers, targets and objectives needed to actualize changes in their current laws and their national circumstances. Nations has set up various gatherings to catch up the procedure of usage of SDG in their domain. The quality of this procedure is the legit moves that are actualized to remember the handicapped individuals for the standard [11]. Governments are changing their strategies for training, food and safe house, work and furnishing the debilitated with equivalent rights for all these essential requirements for their reasonable turn of events. almost 33% of the 58 million out-of-school understudies are incapacitated consequently, such nations are applying the UN Convention on the Rights of Person s with Disabilities (CRPD), as indicated by which, mental and mental inability additionally should be given all the assistance truly impaired individual is given [12]. Further, for the administrations, incapacity isn't just about physical or mental handicap, inability is worried if there should be an occurrence of sexual orientation disparity; food; hunger; destitution and incapacity to live like a middleclass capable individual. Consequently, governments are applying the revisions of CRPD and attempting to roll out potential improvements in their authoritative framework to easily work the principles. Ramifications of SDGs for non-legislative association in created and creating nations The job of Non-legislative associations in ramifications of maintainable advancement objectives are significant as they fill in as a framework to survey the laws, the administration is getting ready. inability, as it is recently talked about can be of numerous sorts, incapacity to eat, remain sound, handicap to instruct and business, is as unfriendly as the physical and mental inability [13]. Besides, it is apparent that these social conditions are one reason for the incapacity the world is confronting. Non-legislative association assumes significant job as they help the network with all their essential needs
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pocket Money Should Be Given to the Teenagers or Not
With the advancement of our cutting edge society, people groups everyday environments become significantly more agreeable. Be that as it may, alongside serious rivalry, guardians have less time to consider kids needs on the whole round. One technique to unravel this logical inconsistency is to give youngsters some pocket cash. Pocket cash is valuable to kids. Be that as it may, regardless of whether the kids are sufficiently significant to utilize these cash. There are two perspectives about the pocket cash. A few people imagine that giving kids pocket cash will cause them to get extravagant. Others imagine that won't prompt such inconvenience. As I would like to think, them two are in part sensible. These days young people are moving to freedom and it will support them on the off chance that they have some training in overseeing cash. Giving pocket cash instructs adolescents to oversee cash while they are as yet youthful and guardians can in any case manage them. Likewise, it help young people to settle on decisions and to see that occasionally individuals need to pause and set aside up some cash to get what they truly need. The significant quandary of pocket cash must have positively flashed your brain either during your adolescence or as a parent now. Obviously, the problem is in every case considerably more grave in the event that you are a parent. Guardians widely vary in their points of view of childhood kids in an arrangement of conceding pocket cash to deal with their negligible costs. From the outset, the clear costs that ought to be named as unimportant is practically emotional in nature and should be very much characterized to begin with. The second inquiry you have to pose is what is the degree to which a youngster be offered opportunity to go through cash which is regarded as pocket cash? While parcel of parentaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s concerns spins around advancing unfortunate rivalry among kids on the measure of cash they get and loss of control on a childaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s ways of managing money, there are additionally some positive exercises for young people, for example, instilling cash the board abilities and settling on extreme choice with respect to spending wants that offer less an incentive to their way of life. A few people groups accept that giving youngsters pocket cash truly has numerous focal points. With pocket cash, kids can purchase their every day necessities, for example, pencils, little toys, and nibble food they like. It will give kids a specific opportunity to choose what they need, make them mindful standards of the identical trade. Since time to guardians is exceptionally valuable, giving pocket cash to youngsters help them to spare time spent in shopping, yet utilized in occupied with working and winning cash. Kids can get the estimation of the cash when they are dependable to pay for their buys and they will turn out to be increasingly capable with cash matters. It can likewise lead the youngsters pay for their things from their pocket cash itself, with the goal that they become acquainted with how adults set up a spending when pay comes and pay for everyday costs. A few guardians feel that giving pocket cash to their youngsters can spares a ton of time for adults to purchase little things for them. Guardians can use this time for other significant errands. When begin giving pocket cash to youngsters, they need to start make significant choice in regards to going through cash themselves, this will gives them the feeling of direction and accomplishment. Other than that, kids feel a feeling of freedom and duty towards going through the cash in the correct manner. They figure out how to comprehend the estimation of cash. Youngsters will start arranged pay and use. They likewise find out about sparing and planning. Giving pocket cash to youngsters causes them to feel a significant piece of the family since they realize that they get a piece of the family's month to month pay. In this way, the method of giving pocket cash will build up a sense to offspring of what amount must be done to win cash, discover that ‘money doesn't develop on trees', realize what cash can purchase, the amount they have to purchase and what they have to purchase. They can have their own cash to spend and helping them create discretion and understanding the estimation of cash, and figure out how to set aside cash. Others demand that there are without a doubt a few impediments in going through pocket cash. To begin with, small kids don't have the foggiest idea how to utilize pocket cash suitably, they conceivably expend all the cash to purchase costly product that they like, and afterward request additional cash from their folks. A few guardians cosset their kids, and consistently give them a lot of pocket cash. Such conditions will cause youngsters to turn out to be increasingly intemperate. Second, since grown-ups don't administer the strategy of shopping, kids could most likely purchase something that isn't appropriate for their age, for example, grown-up magazines. The aâ‚ ¬? Current Pocket Money Trends in Malaysiaaâ‚ ¬? review has refered to that metropolitan youngsters in the 12-20 ages bunch get as much as RM500 to over RM1500 per month of pocket cash to spend on attire, physical appearance, PDA and other way of life items. A youngster may not be careful in going through cash, the person can without much of a stretch spend on trivial pointless things. Youngsters are not expected to know the estimation of cash so they are never expected to make an insightful choice with respect to cash. A kid can without much of a stretch stumble into difficulty if there is no management concerning cash matters. The individual can be the prey to the domineering jerks at school or play territory in the event that they are conveying bunches of pocket cash. Youngsters may consistently figure they will get paid for all that they do to enable, you to need to discover the cash to pay them normally, it is difficult to tell what the pocket cash should pay for and there will consistently is by all accounts something else. Despite the fact that youngsters figure out how to comprehend that measure of cash is constrained and they have to consistently pick between their different wants to guarantee right utilization of their pocket cash. A few guardians accept that pocket cash ought not be given since that will make the kid feel that ‘parents cash isn't his/her cash', it could prompt undesirable rivalry among youngsters on the measure of pocket cash they get, and they will loss of control on where kids go through the cash. By making a decision about these two perspectives over that I referenced, I imagine that guardians should give their youngsters a restricted measure of pocket cash and there must consistently exist a few preconditions, for example, the measure of pocket cash must be limited; guardians ought to train their kids how to utilize the cash respectably and what is reasonable to them; for an expensive product, guardians themselves should take kids to get it. With these preconditions, pocket cash will do no damage to their youngsters. Guardians need to disclose to them where the cash is to be utilized. For instance when you first give the sum to your girl, you have to clarify that this cash is to cover her school extraordinary lunch; confections or soda pops necessities for seven days. On the off chance that the youngster is provided cash with no guidance, you could risk the kid utilizing the cash is a way that doesn't concur with you. In such cases, guardians should be exceptionally cautious in not small scale overseeing where the kid goes through the pocket cash, else the kid will get aggravated and won't get the aâ‚ ¬? feeling of independenceaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ that guardians need to ingrain in the kid. When youngsters begin spending, once in a while away from their folks in going to class, sports classes, educational costs, and they have to convey some measure of cash on them. At the outset, the measure of cash ought to be little and ought to be occasionally evaluated as the kid develops. For instance guardians could conclude that each birthday, they will give an augmentation to your childaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s pocket cash. On the off chance that your youngster exceeds expectations in scholastics or sports, they could get higher pocket cash increases! What amount is the best as the pocket cash? Guardians should consistently guarantee that they give similar pocket cash to their kids. It should nor be excessively or excessively little contrasted with companions. Giving more pocket cash than companions will cause your kid to go through more and think about cash as unimportant and effectively accessible. In the event that your youngster gets less pocket cash than his/her companions, it will prompt a feeling of inadequacy and the kid may begin detesting you. A thought may be to give your kid a set sum every week, placing half in a bank account. Toward the finish of a period conceded to by you both, maybe three months and the kid can go through the set aside cash precisely as they wish. On the off chance that they decide to ‘waste' it on lollies they can do as such. Anyway most kids need something unique and normally like to put something aside for that specific thing and not squander it on a short delight. This helps show them the benefit of sparing. Another way treat pocket cash as a method of discipline. Guardians must be mindful so as not to utilize pocket cash as a method of discipline to their youngsters. Frequently, guardians use aâ‚ ¬? suspension of pocket moneyaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ as a simple method of rebuffing their kids. This arrangement of discipline is right to utilize however should be applied cautiously. For instance if the kid has a wrecked a lovely jar and you need him/her to comprehend the estimation of the equivalent, you can punish the kid by deducting/removing the monthaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s pocket cash. In any case, you can't begin utilizing pocket cash as a weapon to get the kid to comply with every one of your desires. For instance you may need your kid to have two glasses of milk ordinary which he may not have any desire to; in such cases by boosting the youngster for more pocket cash will not be right to do since such a configuration of giving cash isn't pocket cash yet aâ‚ ¬? bribeaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. Thus, pocket cash punishment can't be utilized as a sweeping discipline to all off-base doings. On the off chance that the youngster begins feeling that he/she will never truly get pocket cash because of some discipline, he/she may be enticed to take cash from guardians. In the event that you choose to give pocket cash you have to turn out to be, what amount is sensible, regardless of whether the cash will be paid for doing tasks, what amount must be done to gain it, and what amount is essentially on the grounds that aâ‚ ¬? you are an individual from the fam
Saturday, August 1, 2020
How Sleep Affects Your Studies
How Sleep Affects Your Studies How Sleep Affects Your Studies How Sleep Affects Your Studies In post-secondary education, time is of the essence. For many, days are long and consist of eating, studying, going to class, working, studying, studying some more, sleeping, and then repeating it all the next day. But, does taking that extra couple of hours at night to study help or hinder your learning? Could sleep be the key to academic success? Research says yes. Sleep Deprivation Sleep is essential for human survival so it’s no surprise that sleep deprivation can cause some serious issues. Not only can inadequate sleep leave you feeling groggy, cloudy minded, and irritable, but it can also impede your abilities to receive information. In other words, not getting enough sleep can make learning new material tough. Sleep deprivation also has a negative impact on overall mood, and when your mood is unstable it can make processing new information much more difficult. Sleep and Memory To form a memory, there is a process involved consisting of acquisition, consolidation, and recall. Obviously, acquisition is learning of new information, but consolidation is when this information becomes ingrained to memory. Then, recall is simply being able to access this memory when required. Now, acquisition and recall are clear functions that are used when someone is awake since they need to actually mentally grasp this information by choice. However, consolidation is said to occur when one is asleep which would mean that sleep is required to form memories. Therefore, without adequate sleep, information will not consolidate and the ability to recall this information will be much harder. Adequate Sleep Getting adequate sleep isn’t only ideal for memory formation, but it is also necessary for proper immune function, mood regulation, and allowing the body to replenish itself. Adults need an average of 7-8 hours of sleep per night and it is suggested that keeping a regular bedtime routine can help support this sleep cycle. This routine should consist of closing all electronics at a specific time (at least 30-60 minutes before bed), no caffeine after 3PM to ensure falling asleep is possible, and keeping your bedroom at a cool but comfortable temperature. Many people forget the importance of sleep for human survival, so it’s no surprise that many of us don’t realize the negative effects that too little sleep can have on our learning abilities. Cramming for finals or scrambling to finish a paper in the middle of the night certainly will not do your sleep cycle any good, so throw on your comfiest pair of pajamas and get some sleep. If you’re tight on time, check out our coursework writing services to help us alleviate some of your workload instead of sacrificing your sleep. How Sleep Affects Your Studies How Sleep Affects Your Studies How Sleep Affects Your Studies In post-secondary education, time is of the essence. For many, days are long and consist of eating, studying, going to class, working, studying, studying some more, sleeping, and then repeating it all the next day. But, does taking that extra couple of hours at night to study help or hinder your learning? Could sleep be the key to academic success? Research says yes. Sleep Deprivation Sleep is essential for human survival so it’s no surprise that sleep deprivation can cause some serious issues. Not only can inadequate sleep leave you feeling groggy, cloudy minded, and irritable, but it can also impede your abilities to receive information. In other words, not getting enough sleep can make learning new material tough. Sleep deprivation also has a negative impact on overall mood, and when your mood is unstable it can make processing new information much more difficult. Sleep and Memory To form a memory, there is a process involved consisting of acquisition, consolidation, and recall. Obviously, acquisition is learning of new information, but consolidation is when this information becomes ingrained to memory. Then, recall is simply being able to access this memory when required. Now, acquisition and recall are clear functions that are used when someone is awake since they need to actually mentally grasp this information by choice. However, consolidation is said to occur when one is asleep which would mean that sleep is required to form memories. Therefore, without adequate sleep, information will not consolidate and the ability to recall this information will be much harder. Adequate Sleep Getting adequate sleep isn’t only ideal for memory formation, but it is also necessary for proper immune function, mood regulation, and allowing the body to replenish itself. Adults need an average of 7-8 hours of sleep per night and it is suggested that keeping a regular bedtime routine can help support this sleep cycle. This routine should consist of closing all electronics at a specific time (at least 30-60 minutes before bed), no caffeine after 3PM to ensure falling asleep is possible, and keeping your bedroom at a cool but comfortable temperature. Many people forget the importance of sleep for human survival, so it’s no surprise that many of us don’t realize the negative effects that too little sleep can have on our learning abilities. Cramming for finals or scrambling to finish a paper in the middle of the night certainly will not do your sleep cycle any good, so throw on your comfiest pair of pajamas and get some sleep. If you’re tight on time, check out our coursework writing services to help us alleviate some of your workload instead of sacrificing your sleep.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Mabati Rolling Mills Case Study - 2331 Words
Q1. Using the Mabati Rolling Mills Case Study, explain the various sources of funds as discussed by the management of Mabati Rolling Mills. Give the advantage and disadvantage of each source. Issue Commercial Papers – It is identified in (Short Term Finance:Commercial Paper, 2008) that a commercial paper is simply unsecured short-term debt instrument issued by an organization for meeting short-term liabilities. An advantage of issuing commercial papers is that only companies with high credit ratings can do so, therefore, a company like MRM can enjoy the prestige with such an issuance. Also it is cheaper than a bank loan as it has low interest rates. However a disadvantage could be that there are no flexibilities with regard to†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Collateral: The primary source of repayment. Sometimes can be larger than the borrowing sum. †¢ Capital: The bank needs to know what assets the organization owns that can be quickly turned into cash. †¢ Comfort/confidence with the business plan: It analyzes the revenue and expense projections. Q3. Does the company have any other sources that it could use to raise the funds it requires? Explain. (In your answer consider the amount required and the purpose of the funds). In which market can these funds be sourced from? Mabati rolling mills need to raise funds of about 2.3 billion shillings, to include 55% of aluminum zinc to their state of the art continuous galvanizing line at Mariakani. This facility would add product diversity and would fasten the growth of the company in the competitive steel industry. Aluminum zinc in comparison with the ordinary steel coated with zinc was more durable and had a longer life span around 4 times more than the steel coated. Apart from the funds already mentioned like the commercial paper, loans from local and international banks and the issue of ordinary shares, other funds that could help Mabati Rolling Mills are the issue of bonds and rights issue to existing shareholders. Bonds: bonds are also long term debts that are issued by government or business, which indicates that an amount of money hasShow MoreRelatedThe Expansion Of The Mabati Rolling Mills Production1151 Words  | 5 PagesIn order to finance the expansion of the Mabati Rolling Mills production in 1999, the company considered four options to amass funds for their Continuous Galvanizing Line. The first is issuing commercial paper. Commercial paper refers to a short-term promissory note that has the following characteristics: †¢ Unsecured- this means that MRM requires no collateral from those issued with commercial paper. It is offered on goodwill. †¢ Is paid at a specific date †¢ Has specified amount (par/face value)
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Female Criminal Profiles - A - Z List
Brenda Andrew​Classification: Murderer / MariticideAndrew is on death row in Oklahoma after being convicted of killing her husband for insurance money. Susan Sadie May Glutz AtkinsClassification: Murderer / TortureSusan Sadie Atkins is a former member of the Charles Manson family. She swore before a Grand Jury, that under the direction of Charlie Manson, she stabbed actress Sharon Tate. Velma Margie BarfieldClassification: Serial Killer / Parricide / MariticideVelma Barfield was dubbed Death Row Granny but she was anything but nurturing. Addicted to drugs, first, she would steal money from family members, then kill them to hide her thievery. Suzanne BassoClassification: Murderer / Kidnapping / TortureBasso kidnapped a 59-year old retarded man and brutally beat him with various items resulting in his death. Kenisha BerryClassification: Murderer / InfanticideOn November 29, 1998, Berry put duct tape across the mouth of her 4-day-old baby boy, put him into a plastic bag and left his body in a dumpster. He suffocated to death. Linda CartyClassification: Murderer / KidnappingCarty hogtied a woman who had a three-day-old baby, taped a bag over her head and suffocated her. Lynette Alice Squeaky FrommeClassification: Attempted AssassinationLynette Squeaky Fromme became the voice of the cult leader, Charlie Manson when he was sent to prison. She also pointed a gun at President Ford, for which she is now serving a life sentence. Cathy Lynn HendersonClassification: Murderer / KidnappingHenderson was convicted of the abduction and murder of a 3-month-old baby boy she was babysitting. Brittany HolbergClassification: Murderer / Robbery / ProstitutionHolberg robbed and murdered an 80-year-old man, striking him with a hammer and stabbing him nearly 60 times. Karla HomolkaClassification: Serial Killer / Rape / Torture / FratricideHomolka, one of Canadas most horrific female convicts, has been released from prison after serving a 12-year sentence for her involvement in drugging, raping, torturing and killing young girls over a decade ago. The dead teens included her own young sister who she was offered to her boyfriend as a gift. Stacey LannertClassification: Murderer / ParricideOn July 4, 1990, Stacey Ann Lannert, age 18, shot and killed her father, Tom Lannert, as he lay sleeping in the familys St. John, Missouri, home. In her statement to the police, Stacey claimed that her father had sexually abused her. She was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. Angela McAnultyClassification: Murderer / Prolicide / TortureAngela McAnulty pleaded guilty to the torture, starvation, and murder of her 14-year-old daughter. Kimberly McCarthyClassification: Murderer McCarthy stabbed a 70-year-old woman repeatedly resulting in her death. Blanche MooreClassification: Serial Killer Moore had a bad habit of poisoning the men in her life with arsenic. She is currently on death row for killing a boyfriend. Frances Elaine NewtonClassification: Murderer / FamilicideNewton shot and killed her husband, her seven-year-old son and her 21-month-old daughter for insurance money. Darci PierceClassification: Murderer / Fetus TheftDarcie Pierce lied to her family and friend about being pregnant. When it came time for her to have her pretend baby, she murdered a pregnant woman and took her unborn child. Darlie RoutierClassification: Murderer / Prolicide Darlie Routier sits on death row in Texas for the murder of her children. Many questions have come up since her trial. Was she railroaded? You decide. Felecia ScottClassification: Murderer / Fetus TheftFelecia Scott thought having a baby with her new boyfriend would help seal the relationship, but she couldnt get pregnant. Her solution? Murder a pregnant woman and steal her baby. Erica SheppardClassification: Murderer / RobberySheppard wanted her victims car, so she slashed her throat with a knife five times and beat her with a statue. Christina S. WaltersClassification: Murderer / Gang RelatedAs part of a gang-initiation, Walters randomly selected three teenage girls and shot them. Two of the girls died, one survived. Jacqueline Williams Classification: Murderer / Theft of Unborn ChildWilliams, along with two others, murdered Debra Evans to steal her unborn child and subsequently killed one of her older children. Andrea YatesClassification: Homicide  / Prolicide A profile of Andrea Yates, her life, her marriage to Rusty Yates, and the tragic events that led up to her drowning her five children.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Claude Cahun Boy Girl Together Free Essays
Claude Cahun: Boy Girl Together For this discussion I found an interest in the gender bending â€Å"self-portraiture†of Claude Cahun. An added interest I later found about Cahun and her work came after googling her name; I found some articles about feminism in art that not only speak about Cahun and her feminist work, but also about Cindy Sherman’s art as well (Imagine that to my surprise). Cahun was one of first the 20th century (female) artists to dress herself up in an array of gender bending disguises and photographed herself in the name of art, from the time she was 16 with the collaborative assistance of her life partner (and step sister), Marcel Moore. We will write a custom essay sample on Claude Cahun: Boy Girl Together or any similar topic only for you Order Now Cahun had preferred to present herself as both object and subject for her own sexual fascinations, rather than a passive object (Claude Cahun, Self-Portrait, 1928, The Guerilla Girls’ Beside Companion to the History of Western Art, page 62) o be consumed by the â€Å"male gaze. †Claude’s work was scandalous to everyone including the homophobic, surrealist men she hung out with, as she paved her own path towards liberation; could Cahun and Moore have been the first two Guerilla Girls’ of the 20th century? Yes, I do feel that woman’s artwork is read in a gender-based way, while men’s is mainly looked at in terms of its content and statement. Claude Cahun’s artwork is looked at as scandalous and pornographic; the surrealists wrote her out of their history. On the contrary the surrealists could appreciate that of Rrose Selavy, the avant-garde alter ego of Marcel Duchamp; a male artist disguised as a woman for art’s sake. Claude Cahun’s gender most definitely comes into play when interpreting and studying her work, as well as her sexual identity. Cahun disrupts restrictive ideas about gender, social prescriptions and femininity. The fact that has surprised me throughout the study of art history is that only the art of white, European affiliated men held any merit. Meaning, the art itself was not looked at by what it was or how well it was created, but y who created it as to whether it was to be consider museum worthy or not. â€Å"What do women want? They want the human to be neither man nor woman. †– Jean-Francois Lyotard (The Guerilla Girls’ Beside Companion to the History of Western Art, page 59) I found this to be supportive of how artwork should be studied, interpreted and of its success of not. T he art should be the topic and the content and message be heard over the fact of whether it is created by a man, a woman or someone in-between. References: * The Guerrilla Girls’ bedside companion to the history of Western art. New York: Penguin Books, 1998. Print. page 62-63. * â€Å"Claude Cahun. Guerrillagirlsbroadband. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. http://ggbb. org/meet-the-broads/claude-cahun/. Claude Cahun – radical, Jewish, lesbian, writer, resistance fighter, political activist, Surrealist, photographer strangely prescient in their concern with sexual politics and gender identity. Her self-portraits represent such a diverse range of sexual selves Although Cahun did not become closely associated with Andre Breton’s Surrealists util the early 1930s, she later declared herself to have â€Å"always been a surrealiste†. The Surrealists organized in response to the rise of Hitler and the spread of fascism in France. Her political commitment extended throughout her life, and though she might best be described as a libertarian anarchist, her politics had an explicitly feminist subtext In examining issues of female self-identity and subjectivity, before they were really formulated as such, Cahun was moving toward her own liberation. Jersey was occupied by the Germans during World War II, and the two women mounted resistance activities such as writing and distributing anti-Nazi leaflets. Cahun was nearly executed for this act, but was given a reprieve at the last minute. German soldiers moved into Cahun and Moore’s home, destroying much of their art work, including original photographs, photo-plates and negatives. The two women were subsequently incarcerated. The ignorance about Cahun is such that there are source books on Surrealism that refer to her as a man. Cahun’s boyish image was, in fact, shocking in the context of mainstream French Surrealism. The male Surrealists not only advocated heterosexuality, but tended to be homophobic. Claude was a lesbian, A Jew, and a Marxist, three no-nos to the Nazis, who invaded France in 1940. How to cite Claude Cahun: Boy Girl Together, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Use of Solar Energy Should be adopted in All States
Since the historic times, the sun has played a pivotal role in the existence of life on this world. Both man and plants have benefited from this vital resource. Adequate exposure to the sunrays has beneficial health effects to people. And, plants, which humans ultimately feed on, manufacture their food through the use of sun rays.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Use of Solar Energy Should be adopted in All States specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nonetheless, with the increased depletion of fossil fuels, it was not until the twentieth century that the uses of the energy from the sun were exploited. One of the most common uses of sunlight is its conversion into electricity using photovoltaic cells to generate electric energy for operating various appliances. The use of solar energy should be adopted in all states because it is a renewable energy source, environmentally friendly, cheaper in the long run, and are not limited to geographical constraints. The use of solar energy has been emphasized in some states in the U.S. because it is a renewable source of energy. States like California, New Jersey, and Colorado are at the forefront in promoting its use as a source of energy generation (Pisani, 2009). The emphasis on renewable sources of energy has been enhanced by the fact that the limited world’s resources are increasingly being depleted; thus, the states have adopted the use of solar energy so as to assist in the conservation efforts (Wanamingo, n.d.). Compared to other energy sources, sunlight is very efficient because we do not need to worry that it is going to be depleted. Sunlight is a constant source of energy that is present on a daily basis; thus, it is impossible to use it all up. Humankind has milked the planet’s vital energy reservoirs without caring for the needs of the generations to come in future. Although the price of has oil has escalated greatly, the worl d’s thirst for oil has never been quenched. It is approximated that if the current trend is not controlled, then the world’s need for oil is expected to increase by more than 60% within the next twenty years.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, adoption of the use of solar energy should be propagated. It is possible, and as the three states have found out, sunlight will be available even after the non-renewable energy sources have been exhausted from the face of the earth. Investigations have revealed that the cost of electricity in the United States has been increasing at an approximated rate of 6.5 percent every year for the past thirty years (Peter, 2005). This implies that the tremendous increase in the cost of electricity may result in unprecedented price increases in consumer power bills. Moreover, the high cost of electricity will lead to increase in the price of related consumer goods and transport costs. Consequently, the high cost of living can lead to tensions and turmoil as people protest against the high prices. Production of electricity by the use of conventional non-renewable resources has led to environmental problems as thousands and thousands of dangerous substances are being released to the atmos phere (Brooke, 1992). Thus, the adoption of solar energy will stop these increases, as it will be an alternate cheaper energy source. Further, its use will reduce health costs of individuals, as it is environmentally friendly. Carbon dioxide and other dangerous bi-products emissions have resulted in breathing problems in people, acid rain, increase in global temperature, and other environmental problems. Therefore, if no efforts are made to turn to less destructive means of energy generation, then the destruction of our planet is imminent. It is without doubt that the world’s consumption of energy far exceeds the amo unt that is supplied. Thus, the solution lies in the use of sunlight for energy generation. It is not possible for the grid to adequately provide for the increased need for power that has arisen due to growth of industries and increase in the human population. Currently, power failures take place almost on a daily basis. This is why the steps that some states have taken to have their energy supplied from the sun will make them to offset utility-supplied energy consumption.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Use of Solar Energy Should be adopted in All States specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Energy from the sun is able to meet adequately the world’s thirst for power because it is able to provide electricity even in the event of a power outage and it is independently available. Solar energy does not require to be connected to a power or a gas grid for it to function; thus, it can be installed even in the r emotest parts of the country. Further, the energy from the sun is able to meet the world’s demand for energy because it lowers the dependence on centralized energy sources that are often affected by the occurrence of natural disasters or wars and it is able to add our planet’s sustainable future. Thus, because of the advantages aforementioned, solar energy is an efficient way of generating energy. For example, the world largest solar factory in Japan has been efficiently generating energy using sunlight to cater for its needs (MSK Corporation, 2010). To achieve this, the company uses state-of-the –art equipment that maximizes the production of solar energy while minimizing the installation space of the solar panels. This illustrates that the efficient production of solar energy is still possible regardless of the extent of land available. Some individuals maintain that the idea of tapping the energy from the sun is costly due to the high costs involved in instal ling the solar panels. However, it is important to note that in the long run, solar panels save money or are ‘free’ once the set up process has been done (Hirschmann, 2006). Worth mentioning, the recovery period for the investment is shorter for a household or a company that uses more electricity on a daily basis. Further, solar panels are less costly since they do not need any fuel for their operation; therefore, they are not affected by the fluctuation of world oil price. Therefore, the benefits of solar energy can only be experienced if every state were to adopt its use.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Some states in the United States have argued that the installation of solar energy devices require a lot of space in order to function effectively. However, the limitation of space to accommodate the devices can be surmounted effectively through developing creative initiatives. Some of these include attaching grid-connected solar panels upon utility and light poles, using extra space in premises to accommodate the devices, and installing solar panels on the roofs of buildings. Thus, space cannot be a reason against the use of solar energy for energy generation. Further, the difficulty that is often cited that solar energy cannot be produced at night can be surmounted by having an effective battery backup system or through practicing net metering. Because the level of efficiency of the solar panels relies on the direction of the sun, installing certain components in them will make sure that they function optimally in a variety of conditions. To this end, it is evident that the use of solar energy should be adopted in every state in the United States because its benefits are far-reaching. It is estimated that even if the U.S. could get only forty minutes of sunlight per day, it is able to generate more energy than all the oil it uses in a year. Thus, the use of energy from the sun is able to provide renewable sources of energy, adequately meet the increased demand for energy, save money, protect the environment, reduce utility-supplied energy consumption, and enhance the affordability of energy. This calls for the adoption of the use of solar energy by all the states in the U.S. to inform the whole world about the advantages of this natural renewable source of energy. References Brooke, B. (1992). Solar energy. New York: Chelsea House. Hirschmann, K. (2006). Solar energy. Farmington Hills, MI: KidHaven Press. MSK Corporation. (2010). World’s Largest Solar Factory Opens in Japan. CBS Interactive. Web. Peter, K. (2005, Sept). Here Comes the Sun: Solar Energ y Is Becoming More Attractive For Mainstream Consumers. Affordable solar power. Web. Pisani, J. (2009). New Jersey Outshines Most Others in Solar Energy. CNBC. Web. Wanamingo, E. S. (N.d.). Solar energy. Teen Ink. Web. This essay on The Use of Solar Energy Should be adopted in All States was written and submitted by user Ella Fry to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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